Youth Potential Activities

We offer a variety of Positive Activities for young people to take throughout the year; including sports, music, art, after school clubs, holiday schemes etc.

We believe all young people have the potential to be extraordinary. Keep checking back to the website to keep up to date with all the exciting and challenging opportunities we have to offer.

Based on your discussion, plan activities that focus on the youth in your class or quorum. Many activity ideas will come up as part of your discussion.

Most Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women activities happen during a time called Mutual, and Mutual is generally held once a week, on a day or evening other than Sunday or Monday.

Mutual usually lasts about an hour or an hour and a half. It begins with opening exercises,The youth sing a hymn, have an opening prayer, and may share testimonies and musical numbers or other talents.

After opening exercises, each quorum and class holds its own activity (planned in advance by the quorum or class presidency and advisers) or combines for an activity if there aren’t very many youth in the ward.